About Allie


My degree in Sociology sparked a passion to discover the relationship between people and their possessions.  I have lived experience raising a family around my spouse’s shift work, working inside and outside the home, running a daycare, caring for sick parents while working full time, resetting life after the loss of a loved one, closing estates, the ebb and flow of children off to university and returning home, you know, the "stuff" of life.

I’ve learned that our possessions carry a weight not only in our physical space, but also in our minds.  When items become unmanageable, they own us instead of us owning them.  

Assisting people with what overwhelms them is my passion and being a Professional Organizer allows me to help clients declutter and better organize for an easier life!

Although I am a Professional Organizer as that is the industry name, organizing is the last thing I do with clients. Work usually begins with decluttering and finding out the reasons behind the overwhelm. Going deeper with the client as to why they are stuck,  determining what systems work best for their preferred aesthetic and tendencies, and always looking toward making things better and easier, not pretty and perfect, are my key objectives.  The value I bring is that there is always hope. I help you see your clutter through a different lens, and can make suggestions and incorporate small changes that lead to a big impact in your life. Once we get the momentum going, mindset changes, and learning along with less suffering, begins. 

I volunteer with a peer group regarding Mental Health and enjoy that work because I feel that environment and management of one’s possessions is strongly related to mental wellness.

My approach is to start from a place of grace and openness, working in a calm, caring and kind way to help you gain momentum and clarity.  Spaces that are perfectly manicured are not my objective.  I know life is dynamic, not static, and living spaces should reflect that.  I aim for function and “better” over perfection.